Brings the funk: 1985 Jeep Grand Wagoneer
KERRVILLE, TEXAS – Jazz/funk-inspired wagon, fully restored, subtle mods, 80 mph capable

⚑ How does a Jeep fit here with
Well, being inspired by music is a big part of life here at, and recently, the funk duet DOMi & JD BECK collaborated with Andersoon .Paak for the song “TAKE A CHANCE”.
Central to the music video is an early Jeep Wagoneer, complete with stylishly minimal wood cladding and a definite “town” demeanor.

Without bold off-road gear, the Wagoneer featured in TAKE A CHANCE got me thinking: what’s one of these things worth?
Turns out…it depends—but if you want a nice one, you’ll be paying for it. Wagonmaster, a longtime Wagoneer specialist out of Kerrville, Texas, has a number of fully-restored SUVs on offer.
Before you balk at the prices, I suspect that it’d be easier to buy a fully sorted version instead of hoping to have found a decent example for less than the price of a modern mid-sized SUV.