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Today’s very practical mix features kei trucks, rally Volvos, and thoughts on our incredible (driverless?) future.

lunchbox 2

Today’s very practical mix features kei trucks, rally Volvos, and thoughts on our incredible (driverless) future. And if our future doesn’t include rally Volvos or kei trucks, what the fuck is the point, anyway?

Now that I know kei truck gardening competitions are a thing, I want in.

Send requests. (Something for sale, story, video):

videos for friends

I have watched way too much (like years' worth) of this show called Japanology Plus and even watch parody videos of the presenter, Peter Barakan. They're FINALLY covering Keitora and it couldn't be better / stranger. Think kei truck gardens, restaurants, campers, and more… I can't embed this video but clicking will bring you to YouTube anyway.
Could go the other way: firms specializing in body lifts, suspension / engine swaps, and other off-road modifications are becoming more common in Japan.
Rotary + keitora = 'nuff said.
Related? This is the first video I ever added to my YouTube favourites more than 10 years ago…

cars for friends

articles for friends

I heavily revised a piece written in 2018; when I say heavily revised, I mean to say the point is the same but it reads (much) more clearly. If you enjoy this, let me know—plan is to keep revisiting ideas and resurfacing my best work.

Driverless cars, but…
The magic, transformative potential of autonomous technology is snuffed when it’s built for the lowest common operators.
