lunchbox 56
An all-new Mazda MX-5 speedster(!) from Italy, a minimal off-roader from Romania, and catching up with AI, EVs, and shoddy voice commands.

An all-new Mazda MX-5 speedster(!) from Italy, a minimal off-roader from Romania, and catching up with AI, EVs, and shoddy voice commands.
Car of the Day #310: 2002 Opel Eco Speedster – Shooting star
Car of the Day #309: 2008 Breckland Technology Biera V8 – OK, and?
Car of the Day #308: 1987 Citroën AX Superproduction – Haute hatch
Car of the Day #307: 1976 Fiat 126 Cavalletta – Grasshopper gang