Saab Viking by Fissore
Car of the Day #189: 1982 Saab Viking by Fissore

What do you think of this fever dream?
The Saab Viking by Fissore is not as sexy as the Saab EV-1 and is more awkward-looking than contemporaries, like the Isuzu Piazza (by Giugiaro).
The Piazza is an interesting point of comparison, as it hit the market two years before the Viking mock-up was presented. The brief could have been simple: wrap Saab’s inherently high-performance powertrains in more exciting bodywork.
Hit or miss? I think miss — but I’d love to see what the Viking coupe looked like before it was eroded into a bar of hand soap.
Giugiaro did the Piazza, and Tom Tjaarda at Fissore was responsible for the Viking. Fissore, Fissore…where have you heard that one before?
Oh, right: the Rayton-Fissore Magnum, aka the Laforza SUV.